Clear Cut Glass: Five benefits of having sunscreens
Jason Mariner, owner of Clear Cut Glass, shares Five benefits of having sunscreens.
Even though the heat of the year is winding down, average annual high temperatures in Phoenix are 85 degrees. This combined with the more than 250 days of sunlight makes escaping the heat one of Arizonians biggest concerns. Unfortunately, escaping the heat often means paying a lot to our air conditioning bill. Installing sunscreens are a great way to reduce your monthly living expenses living in the valley.
Benefits of Sunscreens
1 Money. Less heat emerging or leaving your home means your house works less which saves money on your energy bills.
2 Energy. Sunscreens save energy on your AC and heating bills by reflecting heat energy.
3 Heat Transfer. Sunscreens can prevent around 85% of heat transfer.
4 Block UV Rays. Technological advances have developed screens that can block up to 90% of heat waves.
5 Privacy. Sunscreens prevent visibility from the outside to see inside.
Clear Cut Glass is a respected Phoenix company that will help you save money by installing sunscreens to your home. With unparalleled customer service and honest quotes, Clear Cut Glass is the Valleys’ premier glass experts.