Clear Cut Glass: When to replace home windows
Clear Cut Glass, a glass repair company in Peoria, AZ, shows you When to replace home windows.
With Arizona’s cooler temperatures, you may be noticing cool spots near your window. This is one indicator that your home windows may need to be inspected and possibly replaced. Below are 4 signs to look for to determine if you need to replace your home windows:
1 Warm and Cold Spots: This means your windows are not properly insulating your home.
2 Drafts: hold a lit candle in front of the window seal. If the candle flickers, drafts are coming in.
3 Open and Close: Make sure the windows work properly. You can do this by opening and closing each window.
4 Outside Noise: if the insulation around the window deteriorates, unwanted air is not the only thing you’re letting into your home. You will also experience unwanted noise.
Quality windows in your home will properly insulate your home, keep out unwanted noise, save you money, and look fresh and modern.
Clear Cut Glass offers free consultations – schedule yours today! You can visit us at or call 602-490-0550. We hope to hear from you soon!