Clear Cut Glass: Sun Screens Save Money Year Round


Jason Mariner, owner of Peoria Clear Cut Glass shares how Sun Screens Save Money Year Round.

The average annual count of sunny days in Phoenix, Arizona is 296 days. That means that over 80% of the year you can feel the suns’ rays. That also means ultra-violet rays, which are the suns’ heat waves are penetrating your home as well. When living in a place that sees so much sun, homeowners need to know how to protect their home and reduce their energy expenditures. One of the best ways to reduce heat transfer is to have sunscreens installed on your homes windows.

Sunscreens installed on the windows of your home do much more than average window screens. Window glass is a heat conductor, meaning it takes on the heat of the sunlight at makes the room hotter. When sunscreens protect the windows they can effectively disperse the heat waves to reduce their penetration on the glass. This reduces the effect the sun has on the temperature of your home.

Sunscreens are available in a variety of different strengths to block out heat and retain visibility. They also can be more affordable than other types of heat protection.
Contact Clear Cut Glass with any of your home window needs! You can visit us at or call us at 602-490-0550.